Celebrating 20 Years of Living Abroad - Part 4
This week, I will be continuing my 20th-anniversary celebration by sharing moments that changed my life forever. On my journey so far, there have been those times when I did not know how much the decisions I made will impact my life in a good way. When I reflect on my journey, I know there were many opportunities for things to go really wrong, but they did not.
In this blog post, I will share the top 10 defining moments on my relocation Journey. Check out my other Her Relocation blog posts to learn more about my experiences living in Nigeria, Germany, and the US.
#1: Being Evicted and living on people's couches
Coming home and seeing my belonging outside the door of the house that I had lived in for almost a year in Germany is one memory that I will never forget. I feel like this was the real beginning of my journey surviving all by myself.
How did my life change?
Although things went very differently than I planned, it was the beginning of my independence at the age of 16.
#2: When my sister moved to Germany
My sister moved to Germany about 17 months after I moved there. Her arrival was at a time where I was struggling and had no home of my own. Some things happen in life that motivate you to make bold moves, and this was one of them Together, we faced all the challenges and built memories for life.
How did my life change?
Feeling responsible for someone else motivated me to go out and work hard so we could take care of ourselves
#3: Moving into our first apartment
My sister and I shared a tiny room in a hostel on campus. Having our own space felt like the best thing ever. Interestingly this was the first place I felt at home after living in Germany for almost two years. I had stayed in places where I went to sleep but did not feel at home. The feeling of being at home is one that I really value.
How did my life change?
Living on our own for the first time helped us learn valuable homemaking skills
#4: Deciding to change my University course
I had spent three years struggling to complete the first degree I started, and it was not working out. In my life, quitting was one thing I had not done often. I had been trained that if you work harder, you can do everything. However, in this case, I needed to change and do something else.
How did my life change?
Accepting that failing at one thing did not make me a failure helped me become brave
#5: Getting my first job
After I graduated and earned my Bachelor's degree, I had one year to find a job before losing my visa to stay in Germany. It was a lot of pressure because I did not want to lose everything after fighting for nine years. I still remember applying for so many jobs and getting rejections. Finally, I got invited to three job interviews and was hoping to get one. Finally, I got the call. I remember how nervous I was on my first day.
How did my life change?
Earning more money meant I could do more of the things that I wanted to
#6: Earning my Masters degree
After struggling so much to graduate from my first degree, I never thought that less than a year after graduating, I would decide to start my Masters. I still remember finding the university and the course I wanted to study. It was important for me to continue setting myself apart by gaining more knowledge and getting the official degree. On my professional journey so far, my degree has helped open doors.
How did my life change?
The process of getting my post-graduate degree reminded me that I could learn and it set me apart.
#7: Moving to the US
When I think back to the timing of my relocation to the US, it was not perfect at all. Given where I was in my life, I knew that even though the circumstances were not optimal, it was time for me to move. My move was the beginning of many great things for me. I was moving to another country to be with my special man with a good job. It was one of the best moves I made in my life.
How did my life change?
Gaining more financial stability had enabled me to do more in my life
#8: Starting to tell my story
In 2017, I found myself in social situations where I could share more about myself. Until this point, I did not think a lot about my journey or even talk about my life so far. Someone said something I would never forget. She told me she thought I had a unique story to tell. Not only did I start talking about my story more, but I also launched my blog in January 2018. I have taken every opportunity that I am given to tell my story.
How did my life change?
Telling my story helps me see how far I have come
#9: Finding my passion Job
After working for over 18 years now, from my mini-jobs to internships through full-time positions, I now know what I want to be doing. Helping people be their best selves is something that I enjoy doing. I used to have to do a lot of fulfilling work outside of my full-time job. In the last two years, I have been able to work on programs that align more with my strengths and passion.
How did my life change?
Working in a space that you are passionate about makes it worth it
#10: Living during a global pandemic
The last 18 months have been a very interesting time. My story living abroad will not be complete without mentioning this pivotal time in our lives. The pandemic limited our ability to move around and helped me build deeper roots in my current city.
How did my life change?
Learning to appreciate the beauty of where we live now.
Final Thoughts
As I reflect on my journey, there are so many moments that have made it amazing. I cannot imagine how different my life would have been if I made other choices.
A Snapshot of My Story