Quarantine Survival Guide – Part 4

We are definitely living in memorable times. I wonder what stories we will tell when all this is over. I hope you are all doing well.
In this blog post, we will discuss three great things we can all do to make this week great. Check out part 1part 2 and part 3 of the survival guide for more tips and ideas.
#1: Count your blessings
At challenging times like these, it is very easy to be consumed with thoughts about what we don't have and the freedoms we have lost. This makes us lose sight of all the amazing things that we have. For me lately, I have been more vocal about the comfort that I have and the small things that make me happy. On my almost daily chats with my sister, we celebrate the small wins and good things in our lives.
Questions to consider

  • What are you grateful for today?

  • How can you integrate gratitude into your daily routine?

#2: Learn something new
A great way to distract yourself and gain long-term benefits is to learn something new. It could be acquiring life skills, professional development or new hobbies. This tip is inspired by my mum, who is taking an online class to grow her professional skills. In my previous newsletter, I shared some online learning platforms that I enjoy. There are many other life skills we can learn during times like this. I have been learning patience.
Questions to consider

  • What skill have you been planning to learn?

  • What learning platforms are available to you?

#3: Appreciate your special someone
If you have a partner that is good to you, its time to show them that you appreciate them. I have come to appreciate my spouse a lot more over the past weeks. In almost every conversation I have had recently, I have shared how happy I am that we have a healthy relationship. Being able to be at home all day with another person for almost six weeks and still enjoy their company is not to be taken for granted.
Questions to consider

  • What do you really appreciate about your partner?

  • How can you show them that you appreciate them?

Final Thoughts

  • We will all get through this experience stronger and wiser

  • Do everything in your power to make the best of the time you have

Call to Action
How are you going to conserve your energy and not burn out?


Quarantine Survival Guide – Part 5


Quarantine Survival Guide – Part 3