Quarantine Survival Guide – Part 9

Over the past weeks we have all gotten to experience new things and discover different aspects of our lives. It is definitely a once in a lifetime experience.
In this blog post, we will discuss three great things we can all do to make this week great. Check out part 1part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5part 6 , part 7 and part 8 of the survival guide for more tips and ideas.
#1: Breathe and be at peace
One of the keys to surviving and thriving through a situation like this is to find a way to be at peace. It can be hard to be calm with everything happening around us. Being intentional about trying to find your peaceful place is crucial in times like this. I have found that I am more at peace when I take good care of myself and do something I enjoy.
Questions to consider

  • What helps you feel at peace?

  • How can you ensure you find peace daily?

#2: Set healthy boundaries
At times like these, it is easy to get consumed by all our responsibilities for our families or work. You may find yourself spending many hours doing things and being busy. To avoid burning out, it is essential to set healthy boundaries around your time and energy. One of the things I have been doing better at is separating the times that I work, take care of my home, do things I enjoy and rest. Also, it has been extremely helpful for me to communicate my boundaries and ensure others respect them.
Questions to consider

  • How much time are you going to reserve for yourself?

  • How are you going to communicate your boundaries to people around you?

#3: Enjoy the happy moments
Although it may be hard to see the good during these times, there are so many things in our lives that are going well. It helps a lot to remind ourselves of how blessed we are and enjoy the happy moments in our lives. I have been making it a priority to sit and celebrate the good things happening in my life. I have been smiling and laughing a lot lately.
Questions to consider

  • When last were you happy?

  • How will you celebrate the happy times?

Final Thoughts
Let's end this post with one lesson that I learned this past week:
This past week I have been accepting that I cannot control this situation and the best thing I can do is to be hopeful. As a planner, it is difficult for me but I am learning.
Call to Action
How are you going to motivate yourself?


Quarantine Survival Guide – Part 10


Quarantine Survival Guide - Part 8